One of the reasons why I play chess is because of the competitive outlet that it offers me. When you win you feel great. That's the truth - of course we all want to win when we play.
We don't always win though - in fact no one does. But when we don't win we have to accept the lessons offered to us - the ones that can help us to understand why we lost the game. That way in the future we can win more games - or at least play really interesting games that were well worth the time and effort that we invested in them. That is the truth folks - no sugar coating here.
Today - like most days - I played some warm up blitz games online early in the morning. Today was a good day in that I got to give the lessons and not receive them! Of course as a strong player I still have to be critical of my play and so I went over the opening phase of this game by using the MODERN CHESS OPENINGS (MCO) 15th Edition as my reference. Why - just to see what other people have done in this opening before. I made a mistake and was lucky to not lose the game - so hopefully in the future I will not make the same errors. It was interesting and now I will share the fruits of my "chess labors" with you. - Enjoy!
To play through the game just click on the "play" button and go through the moves of the game. To play through the sub-variations just click on them with your cursor and then play through them. This will allow you to watch the moves on the board while reading my commentary. For most students I would just recommend that they play through the game and enjoy that as a mini chess movie.